Çerez Örnek



Dear Alumni and Employers,
We would like to receive the opinions of our esteemed graduates and employers in order to increase and improve the education quality of our department.
The purpose of the surveys specified as "Former Graduate" and "Employer Survey" is to maintain our communication with you after your graduation. In addition, it is to collect information from our graduates and employers for the systematic evaluation of the quality of education and training given in the department, and thus to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the department. Thus, it is the determination of the needs and making the necessary improvements and corrections continuously and in the most effective way so that the program being implemented can reach a better level in line with the educational goals and outputs.
I request you to fill out this questionnaire (“Former Graduate”) by 01 March 2022 and have your employers or employer representatives fill in the “Employer Questionnaire”.
As a Stakeholder of the Ege University Mechanical Engineering Department family, I would like to thank you for your help and contributions.
Prof. Dr. Yeliz PEKBEY
Head of Department
Former Alumni Survey Link: https://forms.gle/YB5Y23y5jtT2GHh19
Employer Survey Link: https://forms.gle/wYJMTsh2TCPYGzkq7

Ege Üniversitesi